Barbie™ Color Creations is a colorful adventure into the arts for kids who crave for a canvas to express their creativity. With an array of tools, coloring books, designs, as well as locations and items to choose from, the fun (and learning!) never wanes. Set on a backdrop of creativity-stimulating settings, painting and sketching with 'Brooklyn' and 'Malibu' has never been more fun and engaging.
Unleash your creativity by joining the colorful adventure with 'Brooklyn' and 'Malibu', painting, sketching, coloring, and designing non-stop.
Designed for children with a passion for art, this app offers an expansive drawing area and decorating studio, driving kids to think creatively and inventively.
Save your art pieces in the form of stickers, use them in 2D locations of your choosing, or share them with friends and family. You can even download your drawings directly to your device.
Regular updates keep the app fresh, with new coloring packs and design challenges to keep the creativity flowing. Every completed challenge comes with unique rewards, providing a sense of accomplishment alongside the fun.
How To Play
Rich interactive designing and coloring experience, Barbie™ Color Creations is perfect for kids who need a creative outlet.
Coupled with the regular updates and access to an ever-expanding array of options, it is an app truly designed for the new generation of visual artists.